Application Layout
Before jumping into specific steps for various operations, lets take a very brief tour of the main UI components of West Wind WebSurge.
Figure 1 - The main WebSurge UI with the Request Preview and a running test active
Request List On the Left
On the left you have the Request List which holds multiple requests that make up a Session. The request list is used to select individual requests for editing or individual request testing - the request list is your request navigation tool. The Request List Context Menu as well as the Request Menu option provides access to many request based operations like Add, Edit, Delete, Run Request, Copy and move operations.
Request Editor and Previewer on the Right
On the right side of the UI you have the Request Editor and the Request Previewer which are toggled via tabs at the top of the right panel. The Results View (not visible in the screenshot) is also accessible here after a load test was run and results are available.
In Figure 2 above you see the Request Preview which is visible after you're run a request or you've explicitly selected request to preview by selecting the Preview tab.
For initial creation of a request and editing of all aspects of a request you use the Request Editor on the Http Request tab:
Figure 2 - The main WebSurge UI with the Request Editor active
which provides a raw editable view of the request.
Although the Request Editor (Figure 2) is the primary request input form, you can also edit Request Headers and content in the Previewer (Figure 1).
Session Tabs on the Left
To the left of the Request Viewer is a set of tabs that has a number of modes:
- Request List View
- Session Configuration View
- Results View
Request List
We've already seen the request list which serves as the navigation and management tool for a session of requests where you can create, edit and delete requests.
Session Configuration
Each session of requests has a number of configuration settings associated with it, like a Site Base Url, Header overrides, warmup time, max request size, delay between requests etc. These settings can be set via the Session Configuration form.
Figure 3 - The Session Configuration View
The configuration values set here are stored with a Session when you save it.
More information on the Session Configuration Settings.
© West Wind Technologies, 2014-2023 • Updated: 12/26/21
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