Running Individual Requests

You can test individual requests to for expected responses or to do typical API testing during development. This is similar to using a tool like Postman for request testing.

Individual Request testing is meant to be quick and easy with the ability to quickly modify requests right in the request/result preview, so you can quickly test, make changes and retest.

Run a Request

To run a request first select a request in the Request List on the left. All the run options run against the currently active request in the request list or the Http Request editor or Previewer.

There are quite a few ways to run requests:

  • alt-r shortcut from anywhere
  • The Run Toolbar Button on the lower Request Toolbar
  • The Run Button in the Request Editor or Previewer
  • On the Request List Context Menu Run Request
  • On the Main Menu Request->Run Request

When you run a request here's what you see:

The result of the Http request is displayed in the Preview pane, which displays the entire request and response. You can view request headers and content, as well as the response headers and content.

Editing Request Data in the Previewer

You can also edit the request headers and request content in this Previewer, allowing you to make quick changes to requests and then quickly re-run them.

When you make changes to the request headers or content the changes are immediately applied including formatting. This view tends to be easier for manually editing complex request content like JSON as you get syntax coloring and a formatted view of the data rather than a raw unformatted string.

Editing in the Previewer may change Formatting

If you make changes in the previewer to content that has been formatted, or includes injected headers, the request content may be changed. For example, if you have a raw JSON request body, that body might be changed to formatted JSON that is displayed in the Previewer.

If you need to ensure that content stays exactly in its raw format, only edit content in the simple text request viewer.

Formatted Views

Result content is usually displayed in a formatted mode which uses syntax coloring and - if possible - a formatted view of the data.

For example formatted views for:

  • JSON and XML are formatted with line breaks
  • UrlEncoded request content displays as key value (url decoded) pairs
  • Images are displayed using an image preview
  • Html is optionally displayed as an Html Preview

Toggling the formatted (type) checkbox toggles between the raw data for request and response content or a formatted view.

Run All Requests (once)

On the Request Toolbar there's also an option to run all requests in your Request Session list once. This can be useful if you need to check a sequence of operations.

After you've run all requests, you can review each of the requests on the Results tab on the left. This tab lets you review each of the individual requests that were run.

Note that these result entries - although they look similar to Http Requests- are not editable. Only individual requests are editable.

© West Wind Technologies, 2014-2023 • Updated: 04/08/23
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