Download West Wind WebSurge

West Wind WebSurge  

Version: what's new
October 12, 2024
File size:
9.2 mb
  Download WebSurge 3.0
download v2
alternates: Setup ZipArchives

West Wind WebSurge can be downloaded and evaluated for free, but a reasonably priced license must be purchased for continued use. Licenses are per-user, so you can use WebSurge on as many computers you wish with your license.

Want a free license? Contributors who help out with code, feature suggestions, documentation or promotion qualify for a free license.

The evaluation version is a fully functional, non-limited version of WebSurge that includes all features. Please register for a license, if you continue to use WebSurge on a regular basis.
Thanks for playing fair.


You can also install West Wind WebSurge from the command line using Chocolatey.

# first time installation
c:\> choco install westwindwebsurge

# upgrade to latest version
c:\> choco upgrade westwindwebsurge

System Requirements
Microsoft Windows 11 & 10 or 2022-2016
Download the installer or zip file
Run the contained WebSurgeSetup.exe
Follow the installation instructions